Rewilding Your Life [Circle Courses]

Access to the Inner Wilds community, as well as the Rewilding courses. (

Note: these courses will be continuing to change, grow, shrink, and shift for quite awhile, as I sharpen the material. What's there presently is work I'm proud of -- and I expect much of it to be replaced with work I'm even more proud of in the coming months.

Rewilding Your Life

Changing your life isn’t all about techniques and practices. What matters most is the point of view you bring to the work, the stance you act from, the ways of looking you have access to.

In this opening course, we cultivate a stance of open awareness, honesty, patience, agency, and curious engagement.

Rewilding Your Body

The body is the trailhead for everything else we do — meditation, emotional processing, finding our Calling, attachment repair… all of it works best when it’s grounded in the wisdom of a free and open body.

Practicing somatic resonance in this course helps you ground in your body and open to the possibilities it offers, to deepen and expand every part of your life.

Rewilding Your Psyche 🚧

[Under construction, basic instructions are present, a full version may take some time]

Life tends to tie our psyches in knots, constructing walls around what we are and aren’t allowed to do, who we are and aren’t allowed to be, how our energy is and isn’t allowed to shape our lives.

Using a blend of Jungian, meditative, and shamanic techniques, we explore the ways that we can soften and release these knots and walls. As they dissolve, the wild psyche returns to it’s natural flow.

Rewilding Your Path

“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s” —Joseph Campbell

At a certain point, you have to put aside the models and techniques and teachings that others have handed you, and figure out how your specific soul wants to unfold.

This section isn’t quite a “course,” more like a running pinboard of evocative prompts in the direction of self-trust and self-unfoldment.

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